Teaching Experience
During my graduate tenure, I was a teaching assistant for various courses, detailed below. In general these duties included:
-Marking multiple choice and short answer exam questions
-Evaluating the written work of students
-Corresponding with students via email and online forums
-Running seminars
-Invigilating exams
-Providing one-on-one consultation when students had questions
-Developing quiz and in-class multiple choice questions for students
BIOL*2400 Evolution with Dr. Elizabeth Boulding, including 30 hours of in-class experience
BIOL*1500 DE with Dr. Ryan Norris
BIOL*2400 Evolution with Dr. T. Ryan Gregory x 2
BIOL*1070 Discovering Biodiversity with Dr. Steven Newmaster, Dr. Patricia Wright and Dr. Aron Fazekas
BIOL*2600 Ecology DE with Dr. Paul Richardson
BIOL*3400 Evolution with Dr. Cortland Griswold
BIOL*2600 Ecology DE with Dr. Hafiz Maherali and Joyce Buck
BIOL*3400 Evolution with Dr. Teresa Crease
BIOL*3400 Evolution with Dr. Elizabeth Boulding